Saturday, September 28, 2013

Quatrain-O-Tha' Day 9.28.13


The sonnets speak for themselves, but need voices to make it public.
A troupe only needs a space, a magical stage only takes the prose higher.
Add an eclectic audience with a mind that is as wide as their eyes,
This makes for theatre at its best, the kind that quenches love fire.


this is where it is at


  1. I would love to be at one of these performances. Alas we do not have such things in Yellville,AR.

  2. Well, Yellville, AR. I have a quandary for you to consider. Are you willing to take steps necessary so that you can have such things in your community.

    We now have a theatre, where once there was none.

    I am not asking you to consider the entire undertaking...merely take the first step.


